LouiseAnna touches the water for the first time
“Mise à l’eau
pluvieux, tour du monde heureux?”
while LouiseAnna was still not in the water, so were we !
Luckily not for too long, so we could finally empty our car, just in time as we drove in a piece of glass just afterwards 😲
Luckily not for too long, so we could finally empty our car, just in time as we drove in a piece of glass just afterwards 😲
LouiseAnna aching and scratching in those strings was sooo stressfull. Will she
float or not? (You have to know that our first boat sunk straight after being
put into the water 😏).
Know we
just needed to:
- Pick up our safety gear at the Uship shop.
- Buy our emergency transponder.
- Buy and place our stickers/logo’s.
- Get a first Volvo motor checkup.
- Do a gps/garmin calibration round at sea.
- Fill up the boat some more when Sebastien and Yolande so kindly came to visit us with a full car of our stuff.
- Fill up the diesel thanks (painful for our bank account!).
- Test the sails and check out Ford Boyard.
- Install our Hifield tender and Honda 15hP engine (including inox reinforcements to hold this beast on the chandeliers).
- Install our fishing lines and holders and the radar reflector.
- Pickup our sails at Sailonet.
- Try to fill up our Safefill gas thanks (really not easy in France).
- Try to fit these gas tanks in the boat (some remodifications were needed!).
- Unpack some gifts ;-)
- Fill up the boat some more with all our stuff brought over by my mother in a mobilhome J
- Do a first supermarket run.
- Go for another test run with family and friends :-)
- Do a second supermarket run with all the things we forgot first…
- Installed a flag three times to just attach it to the rear deck post…
- Install ventilators.
- …
Really I’m
sure I forgot some things but you get the picture… it was a lot in ten days!