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A few days in the bush ...

20/11/2019 We're ready for oma!!!
Because she comes with plenty of gifts!!! Overdue birthday gifts that were too expensive on the islands ๐Ÿ˜‰
They don't have much time to get unpacked as we planned a Glamping trip into the "hinterland"! About 800 km away from LouiseAnna and we leave the very next morning!
It's 800 km inland, but still such a long way of central Australia! However it'll be the furthest we will explore the true bush!
21/11/2019 The road trip is long and we have time to dose off as there is really not much "action". Beautiful landscapes though! This is the biggest town we encountered and a perfect place for coffee and icecream๐Ÿ˜‰ Childers is cute with a lot of older buildings showing a bit how it might have been in the colonial days ๐Ÿ˜
The roads are looooong !!! And it takes a long time before you actually get into the mountainous area. 
And it's dry, very dry!!! 
You see the remnants of fires of previous years and warning signs everywhere ... But no fires this way though, they're more to the South so we're good ๐Ÿ˜‰
And here and there we're astonished to see a Baobab !!! It's called the Australian baobab or boab.
On the way up we decided to stop halfway. So our family can get accustomed to the hour difference and recuperate from their long flight ๐Ÿ˜‹ A motel in the middle of nowhere ๐Ÿ˜Š
Actually quite good! Modern and with swimming pool, bingo, tranvestite parties, all the works! ๐Ÿ˜‚
22/11/2019 Plunging even further in the backcountry. We encounter some huge trucks:
And huge mining areas! Whole mountains are disappearing!

And after the village Banana, we encounter the skeleton road... Full of dead kangaroos! Very sad as we haven't seen a live one yet on this road trip ๐Ÿ˜“
What we do see however are 1500 cows!!!
Ok, we didn't count them, but the very charming lady farmer in this car asked us nicely if we could wait and be careful for her 1500 cows and about 30 horses ๐Ÿ˜ฒ
The drivers on horseback are ancient history apparently. It's all trucks, motorbikes and quads!
And half an hour later, the queue from the other side ๐Ÿ˜†
Besides lots of dead kangaroos (honestly hundreds!!!), cows and horses passing by, the occasional fire ..., you also have flooding! Luckily there's no chance of getting caught in a river flood as there's no drop of rain to spot on the horizon!
The last town before the nature reserve. We were warned to stock up on food, drinks and petrol as there would be none for the next 150 km!!! And you can do it all in one and the same shop, as there's no other in this town ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚
The girls seem to be very used to long distances. Boats, cars, they don't mind ๐Ÿ˜Š
And then finally a sign for the Carnarvon Gorge!
As well as more live animals. Beautiful Emu's.
Still more plains, we just wonder when we'll be getting in to the mountains...
And look! Our first Wallaby!!!
Look at this, just next to our campsite!
After all the trouble of getting up our tent ๐Ÿ˜‚ ... I love this glamping! Doesn't it look great? With "ensuite" bathroom!
And hundreds of bats above our head! Quite a smell and lot's of noice at night! The poor animals fled their cave and trees after a big fire in the gorge last year. They have found a new home here on the campsite and they are trying to relocate them. In the meantime we had quite a show while cooking dinner!
But first, we needed to stretch our legs and squeezed in a small hike. 
Just 5 minutes from the campground and easy walk. Gorgeous really!!!
The advantage of visitors is that we have family pictures! ๐Ÿ˜
Do you spot the wallaby? That was after a big cry of my mum as she thought something was attacking Geoffrey ๐Ÿ˜‚ The girls just said: "ah but it's just Oma!" ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜
So my chef at work!
And as I said before it's dinner with a show!
Of bats and wallaby's!
I was laughing about my mother screaming, but look what jumped from under the toilet just as I was having a seat!
We had a good laugh while Geoffrey tried to get it out of the bathroom. We didn't know if it was poisonous or not. Well now we do, it was not!
23/11/2019. Ready for the big walk. We had a slow start so we would be walking a little more on the hottest time of the day, but still very motivated!!! As you can see, it's quite a "select" or better: secluded hike!
There's even a bush toilet!!!
Can you find the ant? Pretty huge, right?!
We hiked up to our furthest point of today: the Art Gallery.
New punching game ๐Ÿ˜

Next we have lunch and back-up to the Amphitheatre.
Not much water in the rivers. It's also a very dry air and almost difficult to breath!
No still ready to go!
And last but not least we take a detour to the Moss garden.
Waterprovision is running low and young and old are getting tired ๐Ÿ˜‰ Time to head back!
Our friends are still at the beginning of the gorge walk!
And at the BBQ spot, wallabies are getting ready again to spend the night ๐Ÿ˜‹
New chef today ๐Ÿ˜
And still the same show or concert!
24/22/2019. Time to pack and head back to LouiseAnna! We just can't get enough of these beautiful creatures!
The trip back will be in one day and we choose a return by the coast as to see another scenery for ... half of the trip ๐Ÿ˜‰
We found this sign while leaving the camp site...
... and realised it's exactly what happened to Geoffrey's shoes!
This meter is a floodlevel meter. Can you imagine a 6 m flooding?!
Small family of Emu's
Ghost towns...
And endless roads!
But happy faces ๐Ÿ˜
Crossing through Biloela, sistercity with Boeloeparis, we crossed in New Caledonia! The world truly is SMALL !!!
Interpreting weird and funny roadsigns...
And then we're finally back in Bundaberg. We've been here so long it kinda feels like home ๐Ÿ˜Š So I guess that's time to get moving!
But first a well deserved dinner ๐Ÿ˜Ž 

